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Meet The Benjamin Beer Co. Brewers - First up is Matt Jung

So we started this blog out by asking The Benjamin Beer Co. Brewers a few questions about themselves. Our first installment is comprised of Q&A from our Lead Brewer, Matt Jung.



Q: What excites you about beer?

A: That there is so many different brewery’s out there now that no two beers are the same. It could be the same style of beer, the same ingredients and you get 2 totally different flavors because of when hops where added, the temperature used for mashing in.

Q: What’s the most favorite beer you have brewed?

A: My UpKilt Scottish ale I made 3 years ago. Aged in a 5 gallon oak barrel that was conditioned with makers mark.

Q: What makes The Benjamin Beer Company stand out?

A: Both Jim and myself have 2 separate brewing styles. Him more northwest style piney/heavy malt character, and I am more Midwest, southeast. Smooth yet powerful flavors and fruity/floral hops. But together we create some unique beers that push the envelope but remain mainly true to the styles.


Q: What are some other breweries you recommend/enjoy?

A: Top 5 breweries for me are founders, brewery vivant, cigar city, lakefront brewery and lagunitas.

Awesome. Thanks for sharing a bit of your beer and brewing knowledge with us, Matt. Can't wait to see what beers you'll be bringing to us soon.

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